上週公佈分享影片的事,大家的反應不錯,而且,今晚阿誠也貢獻了私房珍藏兩部,分別是紀錄片NARA-跟著奈良美智去旅行,與Lust for Life-梵谷傳,在此發布消息,有興趣者可於課堂借閱,並在此感謝阿誠的熱心分享.本週我也再提供一部老片-烈愛風雲,是以一個年輕畫家的奇遇為主軸發展的電影,個人還蠻推薦的,也置入我們的選片單囉!另外,4月份模特兒排班已出,將分別公佈於畫室與與寄至大家的信箱.
Test Test
The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate
existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same
baby boy
After few drawings of old and past men, I was more than happier to have
something new and fresh coming in my mind, like sketch a 5 months new born
baby bo...